Anger – 2
Following an (angry) exchange next time, how soon am I at peace with myself? Has it anything to do with the validation? Or the intensity? Or is it just a preparation? Does it in anyway matter to, or impact the other?
Following an (angry) exchange next time, how soon am I at peace with myself? Has it anything to do with the validation? Or the intensity? Or is it just a preparation? Does it in anyway matter to, or impact the other?
“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile” – Roger staubach, former star of NFL. The extra mile – can I run this more often? Is it possible to make it a habit? What happens to my environment when I do this?
Whether to judge the ‘intention’ or the ‘outcome’? or both? When I judge myself, which one do I use normally? Is it the same when I judge others?
Known experiences guide us. Even limit us. Can I declare possibilities that go beyond known experiences? Pursue, Achieve, in a strategic manner? Possible.
Bringing incremental change to one-self, one’s eco-system or environment? Interesting.. Bringing transformational change to one-self, one’s eco-system or environment? Sensational.. Thrilling for the people around too.. That is unleashing one’s potential – unleashing everyone’s potential around.. Where the journey, the means, is as much meaningful and joyful as the purpose.. Why not?
Transformational change Read More »
"It is the road signs, ‘Beware of lions’" – Kip Lagat, Kenyan long distance runner, when asked why his country produces so many great runners. Good (practical!) observation. Quite usual. But, to bring out the best in us, do we need to be challenged to this extent? Is that extreme adversities alone can bring our
When I ask about ‘heart attack’ to my music enthusiast friend, she starts talking about Trey Songz. When I ask Dr Devi Shetty the same question, the version is totally different. When I ask my friend bereaved from the loss of a parent, the version is another. Same question, completely different answers.. vastly different perspectives..
A 9th standard student in our JoyClub interactions ( mentioned: ‘It is wiser to direct our anger towards the problems – not the people. By doing that, we can manage our anger better and enjoy good relations as well’ Easier said than done.. Following an (angry) exchange next time, how soon are we able to
‘Feeling good’ is fantastic.. Puts people and things around you also at ease.. and joyous.. Is it possible to ‘feel good’ under any circumstances that we get (ourselves) in to? Is it possible to develop an over-powering ‘feel good’ attitude? Worth trying..
What one ‘is’ and what one is ‘seen as / perceived as’ – Can it be very different? Is it intentional? Perception management can work to what extent? How long? With whom? Should the attempt therefore be to narrow down the gap, as one proceeds with life? Awareness helps..