

Leadership Presence calls for clarity – having clarity, and providing clarity to the teams / team members. Often one assumes team members know what is expected of them. This assumption carries substantial risk of non-performance or under performance. One need not wait to provide the (much) needed clarity until things fail. Leadership Presence makes sure

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Right People in Right Roles

Scaling-up businesses constantly require leadership and execution skills that are outside their current realm of affairs. It’s essential therefore to keep a close watch over the skills, competencies and profiles that are needed to deliver evolving roles and business needs. Filling right roles with right people is critical – either by grooming, equipping existing people

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As the world gets more complex, simplifying becomes even more relevant for businesses – both in terms of Strategy and Execution. Simplifying the Strategy makes it clear and actionable. Simplifying the Execution leads to excellence in execution. Complexity, wherever it exists, adversely impacts the business performance – making it imperative for a Leader to simplify.

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Globally (only) one in two employees know what is expected of them at work, says a research report. This means half the employees worldwide don’t know their role well enough, and if they’re succeeding or failing. Not knowing what’s expected causes confusion, anxiety, higher levels of stress, loss of sleep and disappointment to the team

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