Scale-up your Business! Scale-up your Leadership Presence! Position Your Business for Long-term Success!
PK helps CEOs, Business Owners Scale-up their Business and Leadership Presence.
It’s not where you look at, it’s what you see – Anonymous.
As a leader what we see is important; What we perceive influences our approach, attitude, decisions, and actions.
What we see depends on how we look at things.
For example, what’s the role of ‘brake’ in a car? Whenever I’ve asked this question to people, I’ve received responses such as ‘it helps us slow down’, ‘it helps us to stop the car’, ‘it helps us avoid accidents’, and so on. These responses are
But, when we look at it as ‘brake helps us go faster’, or ‘we are able to speed up (only) because we have the brake’, it opens up a whole new dimension, a new perspective! And provides fresh new energy and a set of possibilities.
How we look at things therefore assumes significance. Often it functions as the keyhole for finding appropriate solutions, and choosing our actions and responses.
The good news is that we have the ability to look at things the way we want, perceive things the way we choose to! And it impacts the outcomes significantly!
Let’s harness that!
My name is PK Narayanan
Wishing you the best, Thank you.