Ultimately, our life is an outcome of choices we make.. every moment.. Life offers me a choice to make.. every moment..
Ultimately, our life is an outcome of choices we make.. every moment.. Life offers me a choice to make.. every moment..
It is a myth (even in developed markets) that Coaching is remedial. It is not. Coaching is very pro-active, forward-looking, positive, constructive.. Enhancing performance.. Impacting outcomes..
How much of our ‘learnings’ we apply / are able to put in to practice, on a daily basis? Are the ‘learnings’ useful unless applied?
Time management is all about priorities – get the priorities right, we will have time for everything..
‘To achieve more, do fewer things better’ – Robin Sharma. Choosing to do fewer things.. building ability to withstand distractions.. the key..
Corporate culture – once set, normally outlives the particular leader who has been instrumental in creating it. Invisible, yet felt by all – every moment.. A key aspect to factor-in, work-on, in any change initiative..
Most of the things that reach a C Level executive’s table has a ‘conflict’ context.. Essentially, resolving conflicts become part and parcel of every decision taken. Clarity in thoughts is imperative – Resolving conflicts constructively is the key..
How much time do we invest on our strategic priorities? On a daily basis? Intriguing is the way ‘other’ priorities take over and crowd the day..
Happened to read recently – ‘The difference between winners and losers is how they handle losing’. Resilience.. Persistence.. pays.
Any strategy or plan is as good as it is executed. Excellence in execution matters. Maintaining momentum, keeping oneself engaged, excited and energised through the execution phase – difficult, yet crucial..